I walked out my front door this morning and found this guy BALANCING on the tip top of the tree as he cut off the very top branch. Unfortunately, by the time I ran for my camera he had scooted down a bit to cut the next section of the trunk. He still seems to be in a pretty precarious position. I was just excited to see something so unusual (for me anyway) on a day that fit our challenge so well. I just wish he had stayed put a little longer for me to get some more shots. I know I could have done something more with it.
ps-can one of you guys with the neat borders do a tutorial on how to add them? I just love them!
I am SOOO GLAD that I don't have that guy's job!!
My only CC would be to crop it a bit more so the bottom power line isn't in the photo. The line it creates is a bit distracting from the fellow up on the tree. I love the coloring and the crispness of the photo.
Great job over all!!
Scary! Too bad you didn't get him at the tippy top, but this is still pretty cool! Way to catch a great and unusual balancing moment!
WOW! This challenge was handed to you! What a crazy photographic catch! IMPRESSIVE!
Great color...what a beautiful day!
I just realized today that I can make borders, and I wish I had done it for my photo for this challenge. I only have free software (I use Picasa), but I can still do it in that. Just create a collage out of your one photo, and put a thick "separator" around it (basically, a border when you've only got one photo). I don't know how to do it in Photoshop, though, if that's what you've got.
I've always wanted to learn how do make a border too... thanks Janelle! If anyone knows how to do one in PS, much appreciated!
HOLY SMOKES, this was awesome, i clicked on it and it's soooo cool up close, i'm so impressed you got such a crisp, clear pic from being so far away!! How awesome that he was just right outside your front door!!
great capture on the moment. I think I would have moved right just a bit and put the man in the left side and got more of the tree and sky on the right. Then maybe zoomed just a tiny bit to leave the power lines at the bottom but cutting out just a bit there too.
Other than that great capture.
YOU ARE MY NEW HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for solving my border problem :)
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