Friday, November 20, 2009

Grateful for Family

...especially these three. And of these three, especially the on in white in the middle. Even though he was born 2 1/2 weeks early, Carson (who joined our family 2 days ago) is healthy and happy, as are both our daughters. What more could we, as parents, be grateful for? (Oh, and, he's the reason I didn't get a native picture up...give a girl a break!) ;)


I am grateful for my little boy who we almost lost at birth...he reminds us what is important in life each day.

Challenge: Gratitude

This is the holidays and specifically Thanksgiving. In honor of the holiday and the significants behind it lets see what gratitude means to you!

With the holiday I want to give extra time for everyone to get this in so lets do it till Monday Nov 30th at 11:59pm PST!

please also feel free to post any photos you have and werent able to post for any challenge in the month of November as well during this time.

*another great word chosen by Melinda - Thanks!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Native Shroom

They are native to every area all over and I swear im convinced that if you dont have them and you water anything too much they pop out everywhere. I actually took this with my cell phone camera which isnt great quality but sadly it is the best one I got this challenge which is even more sad.

Native: Tradition

This is a rushnyk. It's a Ukrainian word that literally translates to "towel," and is pronounced /HROOSH - neek/.

My husband lived in the Kyiv, Ukraine area for two years before we knew each other, and became familiar with a native custom there. As part of the wedding ceremony, a rushnyk would be laid on the floor in the place where the wedding was held. The new husband and wife would -- on the count of three -- simultaneously step onto the rushnyk. Tradition was that whomever touched first was the head of the house. Inevitably, in any home where he asked who stepped first, both claimed credit. Before he left Ukraine, he purchased a rusknyk of his own, to have for when he got married. At our reception, he explained the tradition, and then we did it. Of course, I touched first, but if you ask him...

See my runners-up here, along with a full view of the rushnyk.

Additionally, though I took "grunge" pictures within the time frame, I didn't get around to uploading or editing them until tonight, and I think it's waaaaay past the statute of limitations by now, but you can see them here if you'd like.


Native Roots

This is a picture of my cousin that I took for his Senior portraits. The thing that absolutely blows me away about this spot on the beach is this tree and its roots. It has been there for as long as anyone can remember, and its roots are gnarled and weathered.
But it still stands.
In its native sand, strong and unbreakable.
It's amazing to think about.

I am cheating a little bit --this picture was taken a few months ago with my Panasonic. But I haven't had time to take any pictures this week :( And I was feeling terrible about missing two challenges in a row. This is one of my favorite photos, and just wanted to share.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Naturally Native

Taken on 11/16 using Nikon. Loved how bright it was and the three colors of the leaves.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Greatly Grunge-y

We're not going to talk about *ahem* who's bathtub this is or how it got this bad (or why it's stayed that way for over a week). But it definitely fits the bill.

Challenge: Native

I guess I'm feeling quite festive for this holiday season. I also think it is interesting to see what people come up. Let's see what people come up with the word Native. I could be something relating to a home in a specific area, could be festive, or cultural. Let's see what you got!

Please post by Thursday, November 19th by 11:59PM PST.