I had so many ideas for this challenge. I took this the first day of the challenge but had intentions to go out shooting yesterday. However my hubby has been studying long hours and I had a REALLY crummy day yesterday that didn't allow for getting the shot I really wanted. I am really not thrilled with this picture. I debated even posting it, BUT I have not wanted to miss a challenge...
So I took it in the right time frame, but didn't post it on time...and I know there are lots of things to fix...
and here I am bumbling and apologizing..and making this worse. :)
ISO 640, f5.6, 1/15 second
Rachel, what are you talking about?? I think this picture is awesome! I love the "keep away from children" and that the match is LIT... scary! I also like the edge burn on this one.
This is a really cool photo. I would have been terrified of setting the whole box of matches on fire but you're one that lives dangerously ;) I hope today is a better day!!
Thanks guys...
Brandon was actually the scardy cat--he asked if we could take it outside. :) It was funny, because he is one to usually live on the edge.
But anyway, thanks for your support. You girls are awesome! Better day today!!
Seriously? You're apologizing for this picture?!?!
If this isn't a good picture....then I am ashamed of all of mine! I LOVE it! The frame is PERFECT TIMING, love the arrangement of other matches and the way that you so BRAVELY set the burning match ON THE BOX.
GREAT job! You're so creative!
The colors aren't as vivid as your normally are, but it's still got "Rachel" written all over it. Great setup, great idea. You must have gone through a lot of matches trying to get enough shots to pick the right one, and you must have had to work quickly to get the flame before it sizzled out. Good job!
LOVIN the heck out of it Rachel ....very cool take, and set up!!!
Oh. I like it! I hope your day is better today!
You wild woman! I love this picture too! Hope today is much better for you! --Jenny
Oy vay, Lady, you scuuurrred me... I thought you weren't going to post at all!! WHEW!
This picture is HOT baby! I LOVE that you showed your REBELLIOUS side and LIT the precariously-perched match-- you are a wild one! Seriously Rach, this picture is fabulous.. that flame is really beautiful!!! Hope you are having a much better day (here's my theory.... the closer it is to some sort of Celebration that Honors you (mother's day, your bday... etc) your kids (even your Hubs) start acting like total Cave People!!!! Blech, Cave Babies are the WORST! BUT then the ACTUAL day arrives and WHAMMO- they're angels... well, like 93% angel! Hugs to ya, Lady!
Love the picture! Perhaps she would have gotten it on time if she wasnt taking her last few minutes awake helping me with my picture! Rachel is just the best!
Blake, she also helped me choose mine!
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