Sunday, April 19, 2009

We interrupt this weekly challenge for an important service announcement...

hehe...just kidding...

Hey, I appreciate the feedback from the post I wrote about voting. I have tried to gather people's ideas and put them on the sidebar. So PLEASE go over there and vote! You can vote for more than one thing at a time.

If you are unclear about what they mean, please see this post and read the comments to understand better.

I will then take it and evaluate what everyone wants (how many categories, etc) and we will revise things.

If you have any other comments about it, please let me know!

Thanks everyone for your submissions and ideas!!


Katy said...

i'm tickled that we're Voting about Voting (this is Totally my kind of blog... considering I do things like Writing on my "To Do Lists" items such as "Write a To Do List") uh, that was wordy and confusing... I'll go vote now.

Rachel Holloway said...

hahha....agree Katy. I thought the same thing. But I also feel like it's kind of a sensitive subject. I know I can't please everyone, but if I can know the majority are in favor, I will somehow feel better. :)

Janelle said...

There's an option that wasn't listed that I kind-of like

Best Overall, Best Take, Most Improved, and 1 randomly selected category.

Rachel Holloway said...

Janelle, I didn't do that option because it was also brought up that best take kind of overlaps the best overall--it's hard to differentiate, and I agree...

So, that will probably be leaving the m24 blog...

Katy said...

ack, rachel, i'm a fraud... i voted twice now. i was re-reading the options and realized i like one MUCH better than the original idea-- so take a vote AWAY from option number 2!!! oops... sheepish laugh. baaah