Taking this picture was kind-of fun. I was playing around with my camera, and I had the blinds up in the bathroom window, with an overcast (but still bright, just not sunny) day outside. The white background is light and snow on the ground outside.
Taken with my brand new Canon EOS Rebel XSi. Stats: 1/100s, f/5.6, ISO 400. I adjusted exposure a teeny bit, saturated color, and then threw a glow layer on in Picasa.
I quite like this photo! I like the bloke and focus on the ring and a great idea for glow!
Thanks. I should have added that I didn't actually take this with the intent of using it for glow. I just have the kit lens for now, and because of this blog, I fell in love with macro shooting last year, but I can't quite do it with the kit lens. I was playing around to figure out my limits with the lens, then realized that it would be a good idea for glow.
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