Thursday, July 9, 2009

Rays of Inspiration

When I read this challenge, I instantly starting thinking of what things have been inspiring my photography recently. Since it seemed impossible to take a picture of all of you, I moved on to my next big inspiration -- light. I have discovered that lighting can make or break a photo. It proved to be a bit of a challenge to find just the right subject, but I feel this is the best shot I got that the focal point really is light.

Shamefully, I photoshopped the heck out of it. : )



Melinda said...

I like the sun flare, even if you had to photoshop it to get it right. It's a very pretty picture!

Rachel Holloway said...


I LOVE this shot! It's so beautiful. And hey, I think the fact that you photoshopped the heck out of it is are learning those actions and what they do! That in itself is a skill!

{Alynn} said...

Awww, thanks Rachel!

Jen said...

This is one of my favorits of your shots. Sun flare is SO "in" right now! :)

B-Blogit said...

no shame here at all. This is a fantastic shot! I love the countryish feel and I love the sun here too! sure wish I could make mine look like that!

Shelby said...

Nice effect to a relaxing picture.

Sylvia said...

Great picture, even if you had to psd. the eck out of it.

Janelle said...

Sun can be really annoying if you get it when you don't mean to or want to, but it can also be really great if you capture it intentionally, like you did. I really like the muted colors for the rest of the photo.