This was one of the first things that hit me when I read the challenge--KEY BANK! Cleveland is one of the major headquarters so the key bank building graces our skyline. :) It was a nice day, but very overcast, so I didn't get the awesome blue sky I was hoping for. Oh well. :)
What a fun shot! Columbus's skyline has a ton of banking buildings as well. Gosh... it's like life revolves around money or something... lol.
You are so clever. :)
Very cool, I love that old key the top. I have never heard of key bank. Is that the actual name of the branch? Seriously. Never heard of it before.
And isn't it so frustrating when you're wanting a blue sky and it's all grey out?!?! I get so irritated! LOL :)
I actually really like that the sky isn't blue. I like the older vintage sort of effect it lends the picture. And I like the tree in front of it.
CANDACE! YOU HAVEN'T HEARD OF KEY BANK!?!?!? We had them all over back west and obviously out here in Ohio...so I figured EVERYONE had heard of them! :)
You are a master photographer. I'm in awe.
Great picture, Rachel! I love the trees in the foreground. (You better post those other pictures you were telling me about on your blog! ;)
so i went down to Main Street today to get a picture of our Key Bank sign... do you remember that old clunky building? NO? well, it's because it's a visual DUD!!! Seriously, i was shocked that a building could be SO lackluster and boring!!! SNORE! SOOO glad you took this shot.. it's rockin my world! I love the trees and I agree with Janelle, the white sky looks pretty awesome... makes the red Key stand out!! Awesome shot!
I have heard of Key banks too...I think we have them here in our town, not as big as your building tho... lovely picture. I too like the tree in the picture. Once again,very good job.
I like the grey of the sky...cool pic, :)
Very cool- I like all the neutral colors with just the red key at the top. The sky is super easy to make blue- let me know if you want to know how!
Nice shot of the building through the branches of the trees. I really like that effect. The blue sky didnt really matter to me much cus you cansee some small detail of the windows in the building too.
I thought you were gonna do the castle one, this is good too.
WOW, this is a great shot, good job
How cool is it to have actually found a building...WITH A KEY on it? We don't have those here, but I love this shot. I think the sky color goes well with the building color. Great shot!
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