Sunday, February 22, 2009

Reflection of a earlier time

I was with my kids in the afternoon the other day and I started to reflect back to what it was like as a kid. Do you remember what it was like to love to swing without getting dizzy or sick to your stomach? Do you remember the thrill of a little tiny plastic slide in a sandbox or wood chips? I thought about it and it was odd because I cant remember the feeling only the idea that it was fun. It's like I'm Peter Pan from the movie Hook, I have forgotten everything.


Mindy said...

What a cute picture! I love the look on your little girl's face.

The colors seem a little bit dull... I thought I'd pass on an idea that I used to do when I had a point and shoot (I'm guessing you have a point and shoot?). I always shot in the custom color mode, with the contrast and saturation boosted all the way (you could also shoot in vivid mode)and it seemed to make the colors pop a bit more. I don't know what settings your camera has exactly, but it's worth looking into! You always have such cute shots of your kids!

B-Blogit said...

Thanks my kids are my life! and thanks for the tips im going to play with my Point and shoot(PaS) now.

Jackie said...

I LOVE this pic!!!