Friday, January 16, 2009


I love to read. Unfortunately I don't always alot time to my scripture reading like I should. That's what I've been working on. Setting the books I LIKE to read to read the books I SHOULD. Not that reading them is a chore, just that I find myself frequently falling back on novels or easy-reads, instead of spiritually fulfilling and full of knowledge.


zealygirl said...

Great point here. I think it's really EASY to read light reading, but takes effort to make time to really study the scriptures. The times I have been successful with this in my life have been filled with spiritual experiences, but I still find that I relapse from time to time. The hardest was when I just finished college. No more religion classes to study for. And now I'm often feeding the baby during Sunday School. It can be quite a challenge to be aware enough to make time for study each day.

The Moss Family said...

Rachel can you please add me to contribute? I would love to do this to see how my picture taking will progress though this and my photagraphy class I'm taking. Thanks!
my email is

Lisa said...

Great resolution - one of mine, too! It is hard - other books can be so much more fun to read, but I know it really makes a difference day to day!

Katy said...

That's a really pretty shot of the Scriptures too... I'm also working on that too-- seems like it's been one of my resolutions for the past 10 years!

Mindy said...

Hi Melinda! (I'm a Melinda too, but most of my family and friends call me Mindy.) I really like how you have the scriptures in focus, and you had the "fun" stuff blurred in the background. It made me think about how all of that stuff is there, but am I focusing on the right thing? Nice set up, and wonderful resolution.

princess jen said...

That's one of my goals as well. I've gotten better, but I'm not where I need to be by any means.

AprilF said...

I agree with Mindy's point- great use of selective focus.