So...this is what happened to me today (we have had lots of rain). I was driving around our nice quaint town looking for some inspiration. We live in a country town with dairy and chicken farms all around, so off I went by myself...No child, cell phone, purse or ID. I had to walk about 1/4 mile to a nice farm house and borrow the phone. Needless to say I didn't get to drive around anymore after my husband had to recruit the neighbor to pull me out of the mud. The road in front of me was covered by water so I

was trying to turn around with out

getting stuck...hehehe.
So...this is my entry. I went home and found this in my little girl's room. It is a toy apple that has a jingling bell inside; the underside says '72 Fisher Price Made in the USA. I played with it at my grandma's house when I was a child, and then she gave it to me to pass on to Emily.
ISO 100
Natural Light
PS Elements: 50% Tint B/W; 50% Tint Sephia; 25% Tint Red; Flattened Image; Burned Edges
OMGosh!! I had that red apple when I was a little girl too!!! Well, not THAT red apple, but one just like it! I can just hear the twinkle it makes in my head. *sigh*
Thanks for posting me, it gave me a real sense of nostalgia.
Love the effect you used!
Oops!!! I meant thanks for posting THIS!!! :)
Wow, you're one dedicated soldier!!!! What an adventure to get the perfect shot (and who knew it would have been as easy as just going into your daughter's room!) I LOVE this apple... what a GREAT idea! Awesome light and the color saturation is amazing!!!
WOW! Sacrificing for "the shot!" I am impressed!!
I love what you ended up with. SO cool....I sure do love all those vintage toys.
Wow I had something like this too though it didnt have the smiley face i dont think.
I played with a toy like this too! What an adventure you had. :D Nice job!
Lol, oh so funny! What an adventerous girl you are. I love the editing you did on the photo and the colors it produced. SO cool!
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